4 pm
Queerings are sacred medicine circles for our community. They offer a chance to experience powerful healing in a group setting as we lean into connection while exploring new understandings of being, becoming, and belonging. As the poet Ocean Vuong notes – “Queerness begins with permission to change … it invites innovation; it is larger than sexuality and gender; it is action.”
What newfound right actions might we each commit to as we learn to live in a better way, with ourselves and each other?

About Terence
Terence McFarland is a catalyst, co-creator, and coach. For 35 years, he has worked at the intersection of how we see ourselves and understand one another in the world. His recent focus centers on creating ritual and flow, individually through breathwork and collectively through ceremony, helping others to facilitate growth, embrace uniqueness, and achieve potential.
An embodied edge-dweller, he is deeply spiritual and exists comfortably in ambiguity. He brings his deep groundedness, patience, and calm to all his work, helping folks find focus and flow while probing deep questions and expanding their ideas of what is possible.
About Will
Will is a plant medicine guide, ceremonialist, and spiritual mentor. He has been working with psychedelics for the past nine years – having found his own healing from addiction and past wounding in working with ayahuasca, through which he discovered his true purpose and passion — to be of ministry to others in need of the same healing. He has studied and apprenticed in several traditions, including Santo Daime and Umbanda. As a white-bodied being, he holds a deep respect for studying and working in indigenous and Afro-Brazilian traditions.
A life-long student and participant of personal development and psychology, he holds certifications in life and transformational coaching. Will has also trained in shamanic practices, energy work, and ritual. His approach is devotional and animistic in orientation, somatically-aware, trauma-informed, inclusive-based, consent-focused, and tradition-honoring. Will brings his love of music, beauty, deep joy, and good-humored wisdom to moments he helps create, supporting others in finding their own healing and wholeness.